Ways to “Wow!” with Wireless Flash
An intuitive guide to the single most powerful way to improve your photography!

Remember when you first learned to drive a car with a manual transmission? First you read the manufacturer’s instructions, then you studied the theory of gases to understand how internal combustion engines worked, then you learned thermodynamics to understand how improper use of the clutch would translate to excess heat, and then pored through materials science texts to get an intuitive understanding of how that heat can lead to warping. Then, armed with all that theoretical knowledge, you felt prepared enough to start driving your stick shift car.
Oh, wait. You didn’t do that, did you? You just got in the car and started driving. You jumped right in and learned by doing. It was faster and it led to an intuitive understanding. The theoretical stuff was optional and could come later.
Well, that is how wireless flash should be taught. And in this 62-page full-color .pdf file, I provide a flurry of ideas and explanations of lighting setups (along with the absolute basics on how to enable wireless flash) and the reader is encourged to jump in and try to duplicate it using the equipment they already have. This learn-by -doing guide is faster and more intuitive than learning any other way! As the book progresses new tools are introduced to add to your toolchest — different types of light modifiers, additional flashes, colored gels, etc.
This e-booklet is for users of ANY camera that supports wireless flash. Basic instructions on how to get things working are presented for Sony, Nikon, Canon, Olympus, and Fuji cameras.
This e-booklet is available as a bundle of 3 electronic formats: A full-color .pdf file, a .mobi file for your Kindle, and an .epub file for your Nook or other e-reader. ONE PRICE GETS YOU ALL THREE DRM-FREE FILES! (Click here to order)
Learning to use light (wireless flash or otherwise) is the single more important way to make an improvement in your photography. That’s why this e-booklet can be a game-changer for your photography. Nothing makes people say, “Wow!” like good light.
Money-Back Guarantee
Here’s the details on the ‘risk-free’ part. Buy the .pdf format and plow through it for two weeks. If you don’t think this book offers the clearest explanations, if you didn’t end up learning anything new, or it is not the single best value in terms of dollars-per-knowledge ratio, just send Gary an email and he’ll personally refund your purchase price.
How can you lose? Gary’s books have introduced thousands of people to the joys of photography in a very intuitive way, and his books have been universally praised for being the best out there for the Sony cameras, which makes this an easy offer to make.

Just as there is no substitute for good focusing, there’s no substitute for good light! That’s why learning wireless flash is a better investment than, say, a new lens or more megapixels. Take the plunge and learn to use this essential tool the non-intimidating way!