The Bean from Down Under

The Bean from Down Under

…take pictures of the outside, the most interesting, Escher-esque view of this piece can be seen from below, looking up. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing….

Haena Beach Park Cave

Haena Beach Park Cave

…cave which will take you all of 3 minutes to explore. But it sure looks cool in pictures! “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact“…

Freeway Entrance

Freeway Entrance

A sign by a freeway onramp. More pictures of traffic signs can be found by entering the search term, “traffic”. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing….

Kodak Disposable Camera

Kodak Disposable Camera

Every environmentalist’s nightmare. Cameras you use once and then throw away. No autofocus, plastic lens, fixed-output flash, low quality pictures. Cameras like these continue to be perennial bestsellers. “(C) Gary…

Tourists at the Space Needle

Tourists at the Space Needle

Tourists take pictures of downtown Seattle from the top of the Space Needle. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact…

Shanghai Bridges

Shanghai Bridges

As part of the city’s light-intensive character, even the bridges are lit underneath with a very distracting near-ultraviolet lamps which seem to serve only to allow dramatic pictures. “(C) Gary…

Air Conditioner Entropy

Air Conditioner Entropy

Pictures don’t do this justice – a rat’s nest of wires and conduits as the building was hastily and ad-hoc-ly (hey, that’s a word!) retrofitted for electricity and air conditioning….

Hong Kong Tourists

Hong Kong Tourists

Holiday travelers take pictures of the Hong Kong skyline at night. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact“…

Toilet shot

Toilet shot

Hey, I take pictures of everything! And this is one of the cleaner ones!! “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact“…



…But I still saw others who were actually welding without masks. I just didn’t get any pictures of it! 🙂 ) “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for