The most popular postings, lessons, and observations taken from the Friedman Archives blog from 2019-2022
Download your full-color .pdf now – only $9.95
Gary Friedman’s blog is renown for being thoughtful, insightful, instructionful (that’s a word!), and generally an oasis of photographic thought in a desert of “influencers”.
In this 4th volume of his popular compilations, Gary shares with you his most interesting and compelling content from both his blog (from 2019) and from his articles for Cameracraft magazine.
In this compendium:
* Rememberance Photography
* A Brilliant Way to Find Perfect Portrait Light
* Better Autumn Photos in One Minute
* Back Button Focus
* The Best Story I Ever Told
* Turning your Camera into a high-quality webcam
* Computational Photography
* Which camera has the best “Color Science”?
* The Shrinking Market for Photographers
* Using a Grey Card to Nail Exposure and White Balance
* Focus Stacking tutorial
And much, much more! Think of it as essential reading.
You can also purchase a 4-volume downloadable bundle (the entire series so far) at a discount here!)